Arisaig Pelagic

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07th September 2021


About 40 SOC Highland Branch members and friends enjoyed a day pelagic trip out of Arisaig on MV Sheerwater on Sunday 5th.  Typically, the weather changed after a long benign spell with overcast conditions and a freshening southerly.  Nonetheless, the party enjoyed a great day exploring the waters off the Ardnamurchan peninsula and around Muck and Eigg.  For many it was the first experience of ‘chumming’, trying to create an oily, fishy slick behind the boat to attract seabirds and petrels.  We enjoyed some success, with about 6 Storm Petrels on the Oberan Bank and a mixed bag of seabirds including Arctic and Great Skuas.

Conditions weren’t ideal for cetaceans but we did manage to see a pod of Harbour Porpoise and a Minke Whale.  The highlight however, was a large Basking Shark which afforded us some terrific views.  A great day out for all, especially after the recent lockdown.  Everyone did a lateral flow test before the trip and masks were required inside the cabin.  Thanks to Ronnie and the crew for a great day out and maybe next year, we will bump into a rarity!

Image shows chumming being organised and there are more in the Gallery.