Over the sea to Skye

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02nd November 2018

Whilst the recent westerly winds and driving rain seemed relentless, from a birding perspective bad weather can produce the occasional bonus. American birds will sometimes be blown across the Atlantic and regularly make landfall in the western isles. Birds occasionally penetrate as far as Skye so we were delighted to welcome a Lesser Yellowlegs to Broadford Bay. This is a wading bird which breeds in Canada and normally winters in the southern states of the USA, Mexico and Central America. Though it’s bigger relative the Greater Yellowlegs has been recorded in Skye and Lochalsh, this the first time the Lesser has been recorded here, and only the 3rd time in the Highland recording area. It’s now been around for several weeks and is looking very comfortable in its winter home, largely ignoring the many visitors who have come to see it. An ill wind sometimes blows some good.