Corncrakes on Skye

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24th April 2018


Corncrakes are one of the many migrants that are returning to Scotland around this time. Although we have no reports on Skye as yet, one bird has been heard calling on Lewis, so it’s worth having a listen in case our birds are starting to show up.The corncrake’s repetitive, rasping call is very distinctive and sounds just like its Latin name - Crex crex. This is the male corncrake looking for a mate – they call persistently through the night, but you may hear sporadic calls in the daytime as well. The RSPB carries out an annual summer survey across the corncrake’s Scottish breeding range which includes Skye.So, this is where we’d really appreciate your help - if you hear or see a corncrake please let me know where and when you heard it by phoning or texting the number below, or report to Skye Birds. We will collate all the reports and have a monthly prize draw from May to August where the winning record is drawn out of a hat – with top prizes of course!

These birds are extremely rare and vulnerable so it is important that you don’t disturb or approach them. Best way is to keep out of the meadows and stay on the roads. Good luck!

All reports from Skye Birds are extremely helpful with the summer survey and if you would like to know more about the work RSPB is doing on Skye for corncrakes please get in touch.

Thanks and have a great summer!


RSPB Corncrake Project Officer, Isle of Skye

07771545409 or