Another Holiday in Catalonia

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30th September 2015


As readers of this Blog know we have regular trips to Barcelona, mainly because we have family there, and this visit was special as it was the first opportunity to see our new granddaughter Alba. In spanish/catalan Alba means dawn but also has special gaelic connotations. It was not the time to take long trips away from the family, but I did manage several visits to the Llogrebat reserve and also a day trip up the Costa Brava to Aguamolls, where unfortunately water levels were a bit low. Highlights of the trip included Alpine Swift, Little Bittern, Purple Heron, Goshawk, Penduline Tit, Red-backed Shrike and a male Hen Harrier on migration west. I didnt find any lifers but with a trip list of over 80, a number of species were added to my Catalonia list which now stands at 208. Lots of migrants were pushing through and it was great to see Common Redstarts, Pied Flycatchers, Blackcaps, a Garden Warbler and even a Willow Warbler. The hides on spanish reserves are always great for photography and I was able to add a number of images which can be seen in the Overseas section of the Gallery.
