Corncrakes on Skye 2015

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27th April 2015


Corncrakes are returning to their breeding grounds at this time of year and already we have at least one calling male here on Skye. This signals the start of the RSPB annual corncrake survey! Corncrakes are famous for their ability to be heard but not seen and they spend most of their time hiding in tall vegetation. Flag iris, reed or nettle beds, or indeed any rough field margins, are favoured until the hay and silage meadows begin to grow. The repetitive, rasping call of the male is best heard late at night but they do call through the day too. They are found mainly on croft land but please don’t go into the meadows. We always advise to listen for them from the roadside to avoid damaging the hay and silage. If you hear a corncrake (day or night!) I would really appreciate a call, email or text saying where you heard it and when. Or let Bob at know. All reports from Skye Birds visitors are extremely helpful with the count of corncrakes on Skye. If you would like to know more about the work RSPB is doing on Skye for corncrakes please feel free to get in touch. Thanks and have a great summer!

All reports are greatly appreciated either through this website or directly to Shelagh Parlane on 07771545409 or email