Little Sign of Spring

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24th March 2013


The website is now in its 10th year and the archive provides a good source of comparison for arriving spring migrants over these years. Though we had an early March report of Wheatear this may well have been a mis-identification. The cold weather is undoubtably a factor and local migrants such as Pied Wagtails, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits have yet to arrive in any number. In the south of England there were 120 Wheatears at Portland Bill to-day, and other reports of Ring Ousels along the south coast, birds clearly held up by bad weather. By this time we would normally have several reports of Wheatears, Chiffchaffs, Sand Martins and the occasional Swallow or House Martin. The cold weather and snow looks set to continue until the end of the week so it may be April before we start seeing our first long distance migrants. Meanwhile keep feeding our resident species because they will need it.
